What is the check-in and check-out policy in this apartment?Guests of this apartment may arrive to check in at 15:00, and check out until 11:00.
Does Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment have a kitchen?Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment features a kitchenette fitted with a microwave, a fridge and a washing machine.
What popular attractions can I visit near Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment?Guests of Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment can visit Place de la Comedie as well as The Corum, located within just 0.8 and 0.9 km respectively.
Where will I find Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment?Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment is situated in Montpellier City-Centre district around a 10-minute walk of Place de la Comedie.
Can I have lunch or dinner next to Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment?Yes, you can enjoy your lunch or dinner at La Pyramide and Les Freres Poulards that lie about 100 metres from Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment.
Can we request an extra bed in Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment?Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment doesn't provide extra beds. For more information, please contact the property.
Does this accommodation have a lift?This accommodation doesn't have a lift. For more information, do not hesitate to contact the property.
Does Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment have parking?Unfortunately, Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment does not offer parking. Please contact the host to find out more details.
Is Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment pet-friendly?No, Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment isn't pet-friendly. Please contact the property to learn more about the exact terms and conditions.
Does Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment charge for the late check-in?Yes, at Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment charges for late arrival are applied. Please contact the host to find out more details.
How much does it cost to rent Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment?The cost of a night's stay in Studio Cosy Centre Historique Et Au Calme apartment is €61.
Is there any public transport close to the apartment?Yes, there is Palissade bus stop within 100 metres away from the apartment.